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Remembering 911 Fox23 Hears From Man Who Was Below Impact Zone When Plane Hit North Tower

Remembering 9/11: FOX23 hears from man who was below impact zone when plane hit North Tower

Winston Cappadona was on the 94th floor of the North Tower when American Airlines Flight 11 hit the building.

Winston Cappadona was working on the 94th floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, when American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the building.

Cappadona was in a meeting when he heard a loud noise. He looked out the window and saw a plane flying towards the building. He knew immediately that it was going to hit.

The plane hit the building with a deafening roar. The impact shook the building and sent Cappadona and his colleagues flying across the room.

Cappadona was able to escape from the building, but he will never forget what he saw that day.

Cappadona said he was able to escape from the building because he was near a stairwell. He said he ran down the stairs as fast as he could.

Cappadona said he saw people jumping from the windows of the building as he was running down the stairs. He said he also saw people who were trapped in the building.

Cappadona said he was able to get out of the building and make it to safety. He said he is grateful to be alive.

Cappadona said he will never forget what he saw on 9/11. He said he thinks about it every day.
